Our why
A world-class science education for every student

We want our young citizens to graduate from school scientifically literate and ready to tackle tomorrow’s problems.
In a mere 500 years – a tiny fraction of humanity’s history – science, and the technological advances that stemmed from it, has completely transformed every part of our lives. The scale of humanity’s scientific transformation in such a short period is so immense it’s hard to grasp.
Given such incredible advancement, it’s tempting to think that science education must be in pretty good shape. Sadly, it isn’t. We could talk about falling PISA rankings, or declining STEM enrolments, or the surveys suggesting that students increasingly view science as irrelevant to their lives. But instead, and perhaps more importantly, let’s consider the world to which our students will graduate.
A world of “fake news“ and “alternative facts”.
A world where automation is rapidly and radically reshaping the workforce.
A world where science and technology is increasingly pervasive in our lives.
For our students to prosper, we must ensure they leave school confident to tackle tomorrow’s problems. Confident to participate in public discourse around the ethics of scientific issues such as artificial intelligence, vaccination or genetically modified food. Confident in their ability to think through issues for themselves using the tools science provides, and to continually learn and adapt through a multitude of careers.
Stile is rethinking STEM education in an effort to ensure students graduate as informed, reflective citizens. Citizens equipped to create a better future for themselves, and for others.
The solutions to political and ethical dilemmas involving science and technology cannot be the subject of informed debate unless young people possess certain scientific awareness.
Who we are
Our guarantees and principles
The core beliefs that guide everything we do
Join a vibrant community of passionate science educators
Thousands of teachers use Stile every week. It’s already the #1 science curriculum in Australia, and it’s fast becoming the curriculum of choice for teachers in the US.