Oregon's favorite science curriculum
Last year, 22 Oregon districts adopted Stile for their middle schools — that's nearly a third of all adoptions made that year.

95%on the Oregon IMET
Aligned and alive with the Oregon Science Standards
There's 'alignment.' And then there's actual alignment. Thanks to Stile's powerful and customizable platform, we deconstructed our NGSS Middle School curriculum and rebuilt it from the ground up. This means it includes brand-new lessons tailored specifically to meet the Oregon Science Standards.
It's not surprising, then, that we scored 95% on the Oregon IMET (Instructional materials Evaluation Toolkit) by the Department of Education.
Hear from Oregon science teacher, Mackenzie
Fully editable, if and when you want to. That’s Stile for you — putting teachers in the driver’s seat with full control of their lessons.
Real-world phenomena from Oregon’s backyard
Many of Stile’s phenomena are drawn from wonders right around the world. After all, it’s important that students grow into global citizens. But sometimes, there’s nothing more interesting than investigating a phenomenon in the place you live. Stile’s curriculum for Oregon has a balanced blend of local and global phenomena.
Prepare your students for the Oregon Science Test
The Oregon science test aims to measure students' science knowledge and critical thinking ability. Stile’s curriculum precisely scaffolds both of these, and provides students with plenty of opportunity to practice and excel on the Oregon Science Test.
Oregon Science Test
Venus and Earth have similar masses, but Venus travels faster and has an orbital period of less than one Earth year.
Create a model to describe the difference in orbital speed. Draw one arrow for each planet to show the magnitude and direction of the force of gravity on each planet. Longer arrows represent forces with greater magnitude.

Stile Science Test
Imagine you're out in space, looking down on the Sun, Earth, and Moon.
Draw on the diagram to describe the role of gravity in their motions.

Pilot Stile supported by our Oregon-based team
Our team of supportive educators is based here in Portland to provide on-the-ground support, whenever you need it.
Learn more about Stile’s supported pilotsStart a conversation with us