A world-class science education
Free for every student in Nevada
Stile is free for schools in Nevada until July 2024. As part of the state science curriculum adoption process, we will craft Stile into something that speaks uniquely to the needs of Nevada educators. To do this, we need to seek advice and listen closely to you, Nevada science educators, then update and localize the program to really make it sing.
Stile has never done anything like this before. But, by making Stile free, we want to empower Nevada educators to help us create the curriculum you actually want to teach with.
The NGSS, customized for Nevada
You can read everything you need to know about Stile on our homepage. But we know that one size doesn’t fit all. We’ve customized the Stile Curriculum that hundreds of thousands of teachers and students know and love especially for Nevada.
The Fly Geyser in Nevada
In our Active Earth unit, students act as geologists and architects as they explore the impact of natural disasters as a phenomenon. This includes learning about the layers of the Earth and the impact of Earth’s pressure system on those of us aboveground. Our team customized a lesson on Earth’s pressure system for our Nevada schools to include videos and questions about the man-made Fly Geyser in Northern Nevada.
Nevada teachers bring science to life with Stile
Stile’s interactive, customizable teaching platform and student workbooks are already used by hundreds of thousands of students every day, making it the number one middle school science curriculum in Australia. But Stile is also 100% pure and fresh Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). One of our units even scored in the top 1% of WestEd submissions! The best bit? Other teachers in Nevada love it. Learn how Vaughn Middle School has been using Stile to bring science to life for the past three years.
What Nevada teachers get
- A beautiful, award-winning, NGSS-aligned library of phenomena-based lessons, lab activities, simulations, student investigations, escape rooms, science news, and Socratic Seminars — ready to teach as part of a unit storyline or as a standalone bite.
- Student data at your fingertips and the ability to provide on-the-spot feedback.
- Enhanced student collaboration and a streamlined feedback cycle through Stile’s state-of-the-art interactive platform. Also, it’s the opposite of janky. Stile’s software has been battle-tested by hundreds of students over more than a decade.
- The chance to sculpt the curriculum you have always dreamed of teaching so that it is relevant and optimized for all students and teachers in Nevada.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg… there’s much more to discover below the surface.
How do I get Stile at my school?
Join a vibrant community of passionate science educators
Thousands of teachers use Stile every week. It’s already the #1 science curriculum in Australia, and it’s fast becoming the curriculum of choice for teachers in the US.