Australia’s #1 science curriculum

The core science curriculum for Years 7-10, uniquely customised for your school. Bring the latest real-world, relevant science and engineering problem solving to your classrooms.

A Stile classroom hums with inspired energy - hands up, minds racing, questions flying.

Stile was built to help teachers feel powerful, prepared and unstoppable.

It’s for schools that are...

Serious about Science

Hear from our teachers

  • Lesson preparation is super easy. Video clips bring the syllabus alive. The short tests challenge the learner to acquire knowledge and the practical activities reinforce the content.

    Lorraine Knight

    Scotch College

  • Stile has changed the way I teach my classes. The interactive activities, clips and ability to set my own informal tasks on Stile have made our learning experience easy and exciting.

    Danny De Alwis

    Marian Catholic College

  • Stile allows me to get out of the way of the students who can learn independently and give more assistance to those who are struggling.

    Rob Mahon

    MacKillop College

  • Stile has brought imagination to my classroom with virtual reality and simulations. I love seeing the students engage with the real life contexts given in the creative lessons.

    Lucy Young

    Marian Catholic College

  • Stile maximises the engagement of students by providing regular opportunities for participating in critical thinking and discussions, and receiving frequent, personalised feedback.

    Emma Watson

    Trinity College

  • Stile captivates my students' interest with their activities, quizzes, investigations and videos in each topic and provokes my students towards high-order thinking. Love it!

    Andy Yu

    Rehoboth Christian College

  • The tasks are well structured, include up-to-date real world information, cover a range of skills as well as providing the students with timely, relevant feedback.

    Heath McCabe

    Hale School

  • I love the lesson editing, it has made differentiation far easier to achieve, enabling changes to be targeted. The model answers have saved so much of my time.

    Peter Crofts

    The Hutchins School

  • There are few developed resources for Year 7-10 that are comparable to Stile. Having structured lessons with an interactive canvas is helpful in organising, monitoring and differentiating.

    Owen McGuire

    Terang College

  • Stile is a powerful online resource in my Year 7 Science classes. I appreciate how the platform allows me to tailor content to my needs, and provides live data on student progress.

    Rhonda North

    Marian College

  • Lesson preparation is super easy. Video clips bring the syllabus alive. The short tests challenge the learner to acquire knowledge and the practical activities reinforce the content.

    Lorraine Knight

    Scotch College

  • Stile has changed the way I teach my classes. The interactive activities, clips and ability to set my own informal tasks on Stile have made our learning experience easy and exciting.

    Danny De Alwis

    Marian Catholic College

  • Stile allows me to get out of the way of the students who can learn independently and give more assistance to those who are struggling.

    Rob Mahon

    MacKillop College

  • Stile has brought imagination to my classroom with virtual reality and simulations. I love seeing the students engage with the real life contexts given in the creative lessons.

    Lucy Young

    Marian Catholic College

  • Stile maximises the engagement of students by providing regular opportunities for participating in critical thinking and discussions, and receiving frequent, personalised feedback.

    Emma Watson

    Trinity College

  • Stile captivates my students' interest with their activities, quizzes, investigations and videos in each topic and provokes my students towards high-order thinking. Love it!

    Andy Yu

    Rehoboth Christian College

  • The tasks are well structured, include up-to-date real world information, cover a range of skills as well as providing the students with timely, relevant feedback.

    Heath McCabe

    Hale School

  • I love the lesson editing, it has made differentiation far easier to achieve, enabling changes to be targeted. The model answers have saved so much of my time.

    Peter Crofts

    The Hutchins School

  • There are few developed resources for Year 7-10 that are comparable to Stile. Having structured lessons with an interactive canvas is helpful in organising, monitoring and differentiating.

    Owen McGuire

    Terang College

  • Stile is a powerful online resource in my Year 7 Science classes. I appreciate how the platform allows me to tailor content to my needs, and provides live data on student progress.

    Rhonda North

    Marian College

From artificial intelligence to robot bees

Students expect the science they learn at school to be modern and relevant to their lives. Stile’s units are built around phenomena students actually want to learn about, and students do activities that use science and engineering to solve global issues and advance society.

It’s your curriculum

Every school operates in a unique context, with teachers that have developed resources that resonate with the students in the area.

Stile’s curriculum specialists work with your teachers to tailor our curriculum to you. We help you incorporate local phenomena, bring in your own resources, and map the scope and sequence to your calendar.

The result? Your very own high quality customised science curriculum.

Magically updated for you, weekly

Science is moving fast. Datasets from 2012 may as well be prehistoric for today’s students. Our in-house team has their finger on the pulse, updating datasets and science news stories weekly, keeping them fresh for students and educators alike.

Support new teachers, empower veterans

Stile provides the support that graduate teachers need, and the flexibility experienced teachers deserve.

For a curriculum implementation to be successful it simply must cater to the entire teaching spectrum. That’s why we provide lesson plans, teaching tips, model answers, demo videos and more for newer teachers, while also providing experienced teachers with the tools to tweak and customise in line with their expertise and flair. Teacher agency is essential for student engagement.

Everything in one place

See what’s included

Instructional materials
Instructional materials
Beautiful, interactive science lessons
Lab kits
Lab kits
Kits for vibrant hands-on classrooms
Student workbooks
Student workbooks
Develop notetaking skills and consolidate learning
Planning guides
Planning guides
Help teachers prepare for lessons
A complete system of diagnostic, formative and summative assessment
Professional learning
Professional learning
Practical evidence-based professional learning that delivers real results
Powerful platform
Powerful platform
Made for dynamic classroom teaching.
Responsive support
Responsive support
Our teachers and engineers are always at the ready.

From Stile’s founders

Young people deserve to graduate from school scientifically literate and ready to tackle tomorrow’s problems. Knowledge is power, and the ability to sift fact from fiction, make sense of data, and think critically is a life skill that’s more important than ever. With STEM careers among the fastest-growing worldwide, students need a strong foundation in science and critical thinking—right now.

That’s where our brilliant teachers come in. Teachers are the key to shaping the next generation of problem-solvers, and we’re here to support them. We’re serious about providing the tools they need to excel in the classroom, save time, and deliver genuinely engaging learning experiences for every student.

Call us passionate, call us meticulous—but we’re sticklers for quality. A clunky, unintuitive user experience? Not on our watch. Students and teachers deserve better, and the research backs us up: high-quality instructional materials aren’t a ‘nice-to-have’—they’re proven to significantly improve student outcomes.

That’s what’s driven us for over 10 years, and we’re not slowing down. As a social enterprise, we put every dollar back into making our curriculum engaging, evidence-based, and ready to teach from day one.

Our goal? Simple: deliver world-class science education to every student.


Danny, Alan & Byron

Danny, Alan & Byron

Vibrant, hands-on classrooms

Robust labs

Engineering challenges

Discussions & debates

Students learn to observe phenomena, collect and document data, and analyse results to draw conclusions.

Robust labsEngineering challengesDiscussions & debates

Powerful, purposeful technology

We hate technology for technology's sake, but used well we believe it can give teachers superpowers. Our teaching and learning platform has been refined and battle-tested for over a decade in thousands of classrooms, and is continually being improved with formidable new AI-powered features.

It's secure, private and powerful.

Learn more about our platform
Speed grading with AI

Stile’s in-house prompting engine analyzes student responses and provides draft feedback for teachers to nudge students in the right direction.

Edit. Literally. Anything.

Rearrange, remove, or tweak any part of your lesson.

Customise lessons

No rigid scripts here. Add the videos, questions, and activities you love, knowing your students will too.

Differentiate lessons

Group students by ability and give them lessons that not only inspire and delight but match their skill levels too.

Stimulate discussion

Sometimes, the magic of technology can help even the quietest students find their voice and stimulate rich discussion.

Give timely feedback

Feedback is one of the most powerful tools for boosting student outcomes. It’s especially impactful when timely.

Control student screens

Get students back on track and focused on you with just one click, using the Teleport and Pause buttons.

Review individual work

Use Stile’s Gradebook to dive deep into each student’s response to every question.

Class-wide analytics

GUse Stile’s Gradebook to dive deep into each student’s response to every question.

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Our expert science teachers team up with yours



Stile Academy

Video-based modules to learn the basics of Stile at your own pace.

Read more about Professional Learning
Robust labsEngineering challengesDiscussions & debates

Designed by
and engineers,
supported by a
cast of experts.

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For every lesson we spend

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Over 1 in 3 Australian schools are part of the Stile community

See Stile in action at a nearby school